Friday, July 27, 2012
Let's Talk About Your Crush
So who is your crush?
I hope I made you smile or perhaps a little bit blushing while opening this site. Having a crush is all normal. Who doesn't have one? Well unless that person has a total crush with himself or herself and that is, in all aspect, very disturbing.
The problem lies how do you have a crush on someone. It's alright if you have a crush on a TV or Music personality but to be obsess with him or her is a different story. The range of being a fan and obsession are not similar.
Here are the differences:
You buy and listen to his or her music most of the time.
You scream when you see him or her on the TV screen.
You downloaded his or her pictures and made it your computer or mobile background.
You save up to see him or her in person to watch his or her concerts.
I believe these are normal and acceptable things we do as an avid fan. You are simply enthusiastic and supports your crush's career.
You have internalized all the lyrics of his or her songs and became your life verses and believed in your heart that all the songs are about you.
You hate it when other people has a crush on your crush.
You edit his or her picture and paste a picture of yourself beside him or her. Worst is you positioned yourself as if you guys are affectionate towards each other in the picture.
You can die of hunger and never used your money for it's true purpose. You even used your mom's credit card to download in iTunes.
I believe obsession is a serious deficiency and I hope parents could determine the differences of being a fan from being a delusional fan. Some girls or boys having these kind of behaviour may have troubles having a crush with his or her friends in the future. Some never graduated the fanatic stage and thought the same applies in building up proper friendship with the opposite gender that can lead to mature love.
I have encountered a teenager asking for a prayer request because she could not sleep for days because her crush has stopped texting her. I want to blame the media and all the crappy young love dramas that have influenced teenagers. I, myself, have been a victim of these stuff and I found myself having mood swings over my early teenage life. I guess being disciplined by my mom is something I am truly thankful for.
My prayer is that you nourish Self-Control and be busy with other things to improve your being and future with God. I will definitely write about having a wonderful and meaningful friendship with the opposite gender in the next few days.