Monday, October 28, 2013

Funny Thoughts About Hate

People can hate you in various funny reasons:

-you're fat,
-you're slim,
-you wear red or pink lipstick (because she wears orange?),
-you're a really good singer,
-you only play instruments,
-you can sing and play an instrument/s,
-you're pretty/handsome,
-you're gullible,
-you're too smart,
-you're too quiet,
-you're too loud,
-you're always in social networks,
-you're inactive in social networks,
-you walk differently,
-you speak differently,
-you're too friendly,
-you're too shy,
-you post NIV in your social media accounts,
-you post KJV only because the rest of the versions are evil,
-you're an immigrant,
-you're a local,
-you're a newbie,
-you've been there for a long time,
-you're too Christian,
-you're too worldly,
-you're clingy,
-you're distant,
-you coloured your hair,
-your hair is too straight or too curly,
-you wear make-up,
-you don't wear make-up,
-you're too girly,
-you're too manly,

The list goes on. It's awesome that God see things way too differently from us. He is LOVE. <3