Thursday, November 08, 2012
Humility Check
Two things can happen after you've started shining:
1. PRIDEFUL - You became a self-absorbed shining star consumed by your own flares. You keep posting or bragging about your accomplishments and if there are anything new about yourself which is almost everything. For example, your new looks, new guitar, new nail polish or even your new pen or toothbrush . The intervals of your posts are only 30 minutes or less. You flood the news feed like crazy. If anyone gives you a negative comment, you pretend you didn't hear (or read) them. You ignore corrections. You always think you are right. You always find a way to put your name and accomplishments in every topic.
2. HUMBLE - You acknowledge other people's gifts and talents. You brag your friends' accomplishments and never use that to lift you on a higher position. You mention who gave your new gadgets and stuff. You basically give others a chance to shine in the news feed. You share your own knowledge to pass on what you have learned. You accept comments and check yourself if it is true. In the process of checking, even if it was said in a bad or nice way, you try to change. You are willing to learn and improve from those corrections. You ask other people's opinion and that includes the other team's side. Most importantly, you know that winning isn’t everything and you don’t have to win.
There is a thin line between Humility and False Humility. One author said, "False humility is pride in disguise. I know because I’m a prideful jerk who sometimes likes to pretend he’s humble. Humility is an interesting thing. We are to be striving for it, yet, the only time we can be sure we’ve attained it, is when we stop looking at ourselves…when we don’t know that we’ve attained it. As soon as you realize(start to think) you are humble, you stop being humble."
In Hebrews 12:1-2, it says, "Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Therefore, focusing on Jesus, instead of ourselves, is true Humility. No one does like Jesus Christ. No one shines brighter than what He did, is doing or will do. Jesus Christ is the only reason why we shine like stars. All glory and praises about us belongs to the reflection of a Christ-centered life.
Try to look at yourself and see if Jesus Christ is alive in you. That is the true test of a humble heart.